Revolutionary Girl Dreaming Workshop
She fought, too.
Service Description
Dates: Febuary 8th Time: 9 am to 3:45 pm Price $25 ($20 refundable after completion) For: Young women in grades 5–12 T-shirt deadline noon Jan. 30, 2025. After this date, student will receive a t-shirt but an additional $10 of your registration fee (besides the $5) will cover S & H to post shirt after class. Location: Lexington History Museum 210 N. Broadway Lexington, KY 40507 This is a free workshop funded by Daughters of American Revolution (Lexington Chapter); Lexington History Museum; Kentucky’s American 250 Project; Kentucky Foundation for Women; Why We Write Inc. $25 registration fee; $20 refunded to family at completion of seminar (unless registered after 12 p.m. 1/30/25 and need t-shirt posted. Young women must live in Kentucky and be in grades 5-12. Young women will bring their own lunch and water bottle. Snacks provided. Participants will hear exciting historic stories of mothers and daughters during the American Revolution. They will write a special poem, create a canvas collage project, sing a new version of Yankee Doodle, tour Lexington History Museum, watch a Chautauqua character presentation, sing a new version of Yankee Doodle, and more! Plenty of free take-home goodies: t-shirt, book bag, pencils, journal, notebook, art project, and more. Any questions, email:
Cancellation Policy
Registration can be transfered to another eligible participant.
Contact Details