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A Wonderfully Mad Cookbook

2022 Camp Summary

​Inkspire's 2022 theme of Write-A-Touille focused on learning and writing about food. The INKthology therefore features delicious poetry snacks the campers selected. Every year high school campers experience some of the work of an editorial board. This includes developing a title for the camp book. The voting for the final name is intense, yet fun.


The winning title was A Wonderfully Mad Cookbook that both acknowledges the 2022 camp theme and one of literature's most famous literary feasts inside the pages of Alice in Wonderland.


Inkspire also used the Alice theme for their newest camp tradition in 2022--the literary feast. We hosted a tea party complete with jam tarts, Abraham Lincoln's favorite white cake (that includes a touch of almond flavoring), and Kentucky's own Benedictine sandwiches. 


Every year, Inkspire gives younger campers the opportunity to submit a camp book cover that reflects the book title selected by the high school editorial board.  All campers vote on all the art entries with the winner announced during closing program. Congratulations to Haley Ellis for her imaginative winning artwork of the pencil featured right.


Poetry has long been recognized as an important training ground to develop creative and concise writing skills. One writing emphasis in 2022 involved writing many different types of poetry. 


Three poems in our INKthology are a bit longer and have an * after their title, which denotes that this student author received an individual writing award during closing camp ceremonies.


The first section features students in third through fifth grades, listed in alphabetical order by last name. 

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