For Our Camp Supporters
We Thank you!
Central Bank
Glenn Leveridge, chair of Why We Write Inc.
Judy Owens, board member of Why We Write Inc.
Jenny Strickland, secretary-treasurer of Why We Write Inc.
Jeff Fultz, market manager at Central Bank
Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church, Lexington
Central Baptist Church, Winchester
Staples Office Supplies in Hamburg, Lexington
Grace Bible Church, Winchester
First Presbyterian Church, Winchester
Women’s Club of Central Kentucky
Winchester Black History and Heritage Committee
Harstad Fine Arts Series, Inc. (HFAS)
Tim Smith and WWKY(990 AM) Radio Winchester
Strode Station Resource Center
Kentucky Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Resources, Dr. Monte McGregor
Laura Goins, seashell artisan
Grant Dickens Photography
AME Solid Waste, Inc.
Clark County Public Library
Food stylist Anna Bach
Cupcake Apothecary owner Sarah Pifer
Clark County Cooperative Extension agent Shonda Johnston
Gilkison Farm owned & operated by Brennan & Serena Gilkison
Central Kentucky Audubon Society
Cloud Appreciation Society
Legacy Park
Winchester Sun
Day One with Gina Lang
Lexington Public Library
Madison County Public Library
Eastern Kentucky University Library
Eastern Kentucky University Department of English
Kentucky Humanities Council
Legacy Park in Winchester, KY
Apollo Pizza in Richmond, KY
Browne Law Office
Upsorn Photography
School Spirit Coffee Creative Coffees
Winchester Walking Trail
Kentucky Custom Screen Printing
Kentucky Monthly Magazine
Kentucky Derby Museum
Bluegrass Heritage Museum
Rose Mary C. Brooks Place
Lower Howard’s Creek Nature and Heritage Preserve
Ale-8-One Bottling Company
Dozens of guest speakers from various civic groups